My amazing wing- 3ed north i love these girls

me and TAMBRY!!!! =)

tambry, abbey, marla, jacky, and me going rollar scamming

my girls =)

Friday, March 5, 2010


I pretty much love this warm weather.. I wish it could stay like this all year.

The sunshine makes me in such a good mood and i would MUCH rather be outside then inside. I could live with it in the 70s all year... (even though today is like 60) But still the sun is shining and there are some clouds in the sky but not to many to block the sun.

But we do live in Idaho so most likely it will be snowing or something of the sort tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Lately i have been feeling really down on myself. Everyone around me seems so happy and in love. But i keep asking myself am i ever going to find my one?

Why cant God just bring him to me already? And if he has then why cant he just come up and talk to me and get on with it.

I realize im still young and have a full life ahead of me but still. I want to be the one everyone looks at with envy that i have found my better half. I want to be the one that is so happy and in love and know that he is my everything... my better half, my best friend, my one and only.

I dont know maybe i am a little jealous of people around me but i want it to. When will it happen?

Just a random thing that has been on my mind today.