My amazing wing- 3ed north i love these girls

me and TAMBRY!!!! =)

tambry, abbey, marla, jacky, and me going rollar scamming

my girls =)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

what to do

So my original plan was to attend NNU for a year then i would transfer over to CWI for their nursing program. But i found out that its still a 4 year program.

So next my plan was to still go to CWI and do my prereqs and come back to NNU to do the nursing program here but then i found out that i would still have to come back to NNU for another 3 years upon being accepted into the program.

So now i have a huge decision to make. And idk what i should do. Yes, there is still the BSU route BUT its so hard to get into. they only accept like 10% of the people that apply and NNU accepts almost everyone because the program is MUCH bigger here as long as u meet the prereq requirements that they require

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