My amazing wing- 3ed north i love these girls

me and TAMBRY!!!! =)

tambry, abbey, marla, jacky, and me going rollar scamming

my girls =)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

College at NNU

As i sit here and think about what I should blog about all i can think about is how much i have enjoyed my life at NNU. I have had such a great time and made such great friends and best of all i have learned a new since of independence. I love my mom with all my heart but this is a new chapter in my life and i have had to learn to turn the page by myself. Of course i will always have my mom's advise (yes, mom's do know best)(sometimes =D) I hate to think of this adventure ever ending.

This semester is almost over and finals week is this week (how stressful) And i have to do good on these finals or there could be some not so nice consequences.

Since I'm on provisional acceptance i have to get at least a 1.0 to stay (well the way it stands now) and a 1.7 to get off of provisional.
What provisional means is that i only made 1 of the 3 requirements to be here because i was 1 point away from the required ACT score and like 3 away from being in the top half of my class so they put me on provisional and you have to meet with the head guy every week and he talks to you about how you are doing and you also have to take a couple of stupid classes. (they are really boring to) So i find out on the 22nd what is going on for next semester.
If i dont end up meeting my requirements to stay... im not giving up. I will keep trying until i meet my dreams and they become reality. But will have to be paying off student loans while in school =( that would suck.

God has really opened my eyes to who my real friends are and I'm so thankful for that. Of course i will always love and charish my and they will always have a place in my heart but i have to think "is this how i want to live my life?" My friends have been there for me through the thick and thin and they are amazing.

I really wish i would have started blogging earlier on in the year so i could write about all my experences.... But like they say.. better late then never.

1 comment:

  1. Will be praying for you throughout the finals time! Have faith! :) I'm glad you started a blog, too. It's pretty :)
